Shared Care Agreement

Shared Care Agreement: A Vital Tool for Coordinated Healthcare

As healthcare becomes more complex, it is increasingly common for patients to receive care from multiple providers across different healthcare settings. This can lead to fragmented care, duplication of services, confusion, and potentially harmful medical errors. To address this issue, healthcare providers are turning to shared care agreements (SCAs) as a tool to ensure coordinated care.

What is a Shared Care Agreement?

A shared care agreement is a written record of the responsibilities, expectations, and communication channels between healthcare providers who are involved in the care of a patient with a complex medical condition. An SCA can be used for a range of conditions, such as chronic diseases, mental health conditions, and palliative care.

The SCA outlines the roles and responsibilities of each healthcare provider, including primary care physicians, specialists, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. It also details the expected frequency and methods of communication between providers, as well as the protocols for the transfer of medical records and test results.

Benefits of Shared Care Agreements

There are several benefits of shared care agreements for patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare systems, including:

1. Improved coordination of care: SCAs facilitate better communication and coordination between healthcare providers, allowing for more efficient and effective care.

2. Reduced duplication of services: When healthcare providers have access to the patient`s medical history and current treatment plan, they can avoid duplicating tests or treatments that have already been performed.

3. Improved patient outcomes: Shared care agreements can lead to better patient outcomes by ensuring that all healthcare providers are working together towards a common goal.

4. Increased patient satisfaction: When patients feel like they are receiving coordinated care, they are more likely to be satisfied with their healthcare experience.

5. Cost savings: By reducing duplication of services and improving patient outcomes, shared care agreements can help healthcare systems save money.

Challenges of Implementing Shared Care Agreements

While shared care agreements offer many benefits, there are also challenges to their implementation. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that all healthcare providers agree to the terms of the SCA and are willing to collaborate with each other. Additionally, there may be challenges in ensuring that all healthcare providers have access to the patient`s medical record, as many healthcare systems still use paper records or incompatible electronic health record systems.

Another challenge is ensuring that patients are aware of the SCA and understand the role each healthcare provider plays in their care. It is important for patients to be informed and engaged in their care, so they can actively participate in decision-making and provide feedback to their healthcare providers.


Given the complex nature of modern healthcare, shared care agreements are becoming an increasingly important tool for ensuring coordinated care. They offer benefits to patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare systems, but there are also challenges to their implementation. By working together to overcome these challenges, healthcare providers can ensure that patients receive the best possible care.